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The Mel Fisher Maritime Museum is a 501 (c) (3) accredited, not-for-profit organization existing to research, interpret, and exhibit the maritime history of Florida and the Caribbean in ways that increase knowledge, enrich the spirit, and stimulate inquiry.
1622 Galleons Video Gallery
The Treasure of the Atocha Arrives at the Dock, 1985
After the July 20, 1985 discovery of the cargo hold of the Spanish 1622 galleon Nuestra Señora de Atocha, the Treasure Salvors, Inc. vessel Dauntless returned to its home port of Key West, Florida with a large load of silver bars and chests of silver coins recovered in the first excavations at the shipwreck site. John and Judy Halas were at the dock and videotaped the Dauntless’ arrival and the unloading of the newly-discovered Atocha treasure. A copy of that video was donated to the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Society Archives and is presented here.
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